Monday, February 27, 2006

American Ports Sales Hits Top Topic

This week the Liberal Talk Show Hosts had a field to themselves with the sale of American Ports to the U. A. E..

Most of the discussions were quite superficial with only the best of the lot hitting the subject on its real head.

Ratings for the week ended 25th February 2006:

  1. Mike Malloy Show hosted by Mike Malloy and Peter Werbe ***** 5 shows a week

  2. Nightcall hosted by Peter Werbe ***** 1 show a week

  3. Bernie Ward ***** 4 shows a week

  4. The Randi Rhodes Show **** 5 shows a week

  5. Thom Hartmann *** 5 shows a week

  6. Air America Mornings (Mark Riley 0500 - 0700 and Rachel Maddow 0700 - 0900) ***

  7. Ring of Fire (Robert F. Kennedy Jr. and Mike Papantonio) ***** 1 show a week

  8. Laura Flanders **** 2 shows a week

  9. Ray Taliferro **** 5 shows a week

  10. Politically Direct (David Bender) **** 1 show a week

  11. Ecotalk (Betsy Rosenberg) **** 1 show a week

  12. The Majority Report (Janeane Garofalo, Sam Seder) ** 5 shows a week

  13. Nate Clay ** 1 show a week

  14. John Rothmann ** 2 shows a week

  15. The Young Turks (Cenk Uygur, Ben Mankiewicz and Jill Pike) ** 5 shows a week

  16. Ed Schultz** 5 shows a week

Unrated this week:

Have a great week.

Sunday, February 19, 2006

Go Cheney Cheney

This week the Liberal Talk Show Hosts had a field to themselves with the Cheney shooting incident in Texas.

Sadly, only a few of them made decent use of the chance of a lifetime.

If one talks about missed opportunities, this was the week.

The top two hosts did not miss a trick. But the others just prattled on without any focus.

Talk about the Democratic Party being in disarray - the majority of Liberal Talk Show Hosts appear to be even worse.

This was not the time to play around. This was the time to be deadly serious and bring the country around.

Here was the time to demand accountability not only of the Executive but also the compliant politicians, but also a sleep-walking media.

Thom Hartmann also missed a golden opportunity when he was talking to Congresswoman Cynthia McKinney. Just when she had told him how she had quoted him on the House Floor and she had been struck out of order for quoting Thom, Thom went for a commercial break - and when he got back there was no Congresswoman around!

Ratings for the week ended 18th February 2006:

  1. Mike Malloy Show hosted by Mike Malloy and Peter Werbe ***** 5 shows a week

  2. Nightcall hosted by Peter Werbe ***** 1 show a week

  3. Bernie Ward ***** 4 shows a week

  4. Ring of Fire (Robert F. Kennedy Jr. and Mike Papantonio) ***** 1 show a week

  5. Laura Flanders **** 2 shows a week

  6. Ray Taliferro **** 5 shows a week

  7. Politically Direct (David Bender) **** 1 show a week

  8. Ecotalk (Betsy Rosenberg) **** 1 show a week

  9. The Randi Rhodes Show **** 5 shows a week

  10. Thom Hartmann *** 5 shows a week

  11. Air America Mornings (Mark Riley 0500 - 0700 and Rachel Maddow 0700 - 0900) ***

  12. The Majority Report (Janeane Garofalo, Sam Seder) ** 5 shows a week

  13. Nate Clay ** 1 show a week

  14. John Rothmann ** 2 shows a week

  15. The Young Turks (Cenk Uygur, Ben Mankiewicz and Jill Pike) ** 5 shows a week

  16. Ed Schultz** 5 shows a week

  17. Mike Webb ** 5 shows a week

Unrated this week:

Have a great week.

Sunday, February 12, 2006

America goes Fascist

If it was not for the Liberal Talk Shows that reach us via the internet, one would actually believe that the US is now a fascist country. All the news items emanating from there point only in that direction.

It is the solid work of these Liberal Talk Show Hosts that keep me from believing that all is not lost.

One only has to listen to reading of George Orwell's "1984" by Mike Malloy to see how close the US has gone in the direction of Fascism.

Ratings for the week ended 11th February 2006:

  1. Mike Malloy Show hosted by Mike Malloy***** 5 shows a week

  2. Bernie Ward ***** 4 shows a week

  3. Laura Flanders ***** 2 shows a week

  4. Ray Taliferro ***** 5 shows a week

  5. Ring of Fire (Robert F. Kennedy Jr. and Mike Papantonio) ***** 1 show a week

  6. The Randi Rhodes Show ***** 5 shows a week

  7. Thom Hartmann *** 5 shows a week

  8. Nate Clay ** 1 show a week

  9. The Majority Report (Janeane Garofalo, Sam Seder) ** 5 shows a week

  10. Air America Mornings (Mark Riley 0500 - 0700 and Rachel Maddow 0700 - 0900) ****

  11. Politically Direct (David Bender) **** 1 show a week

  12. Ecotalk (Betsy Rosenberg) **** 1 show a week

  13. John Rothmann *** 2 shows a week

  14. The Young Turks (Cenk Uygur, Ben Mankiewicz and Jill Pike) ** 5 shows a week

  15. Mike Webb *** 5 shows a week

  16. Ed Schultz 5 shows a week

Unrated this week:

See you next week.

Sunday, February 05, 2006

Mike leaves competition far behind:

This last week was a crucial one as the Senate vote to confirm Samuel Alito as the Supreme Court Justice was to be made. The best programme was the almost 100 hour filibuster Talk Show programme run by the Young Turks with a help of a few friends. It pushed them to second place last week and they held that place this week.

Mike Malloy did his bit by reading the George Orwell Book, "1984" during his stint. I talked to Brad of the Brad Blog live on air and told him what we in the rest of the world thought of where the US was goning.

But the rage of Mike Malloy on his show the day after the vote was truly historic. It is that raw emotion that keeps him at the top of the Liberal Talk Show ratings.

As a result of the Fllibuster programme, The Young Turks moved into second place. Also, Peter Werbe is off on holiday and hence was not on air last week, and is not rated this week.

However, after the filibuster, the Young Turks have fallen back into their undulating stance and they are likely to fall back down the ratings. It is not uncommon to hear on of the hosts use the phrase "I hear you", when he wants to really say that he hears nothing except his own voice!

The Stephanie Miller Show has vanished from the online live spectrum, and emails sent to Stephanie Miller had some return with mention of change of server. But the programme seems to be still off the air. So also is the case with Lizz Brown.

It is sad that so many Lberal Talk Shows are vanishing off the International Online spectrum. America desperately needs these voices to communicate with liberals around the world, and as each show takes a dive, it really changes the image of US on the world stage.

Bernie Ward and Ray Taliaferro continue to be outstanding.

Ratings for the week ended 4th February 2006:

  1. Mike Malloy Show hosted by Mike Malloy***** 5 shows a week

  2. The Young Turks (Cenk Uygur, Ben Mankiewicz and Jill Pike) ** 5 shows a week

  3. Bernie Ward ***** 4 shows a week

  4. Ray Taliferro ***** 5 shows a week

  5. Laura Flanders ***** 2 shows a week

  6. Ring of Fire (Robert F. Kennedy Jr. and Mike Papantonio) ***** 1 show a week

  7. The Randi Rhodes Show ***** 5 shows a week

  8. Thom Hartmann *** 5 shows a week

  9. Mike Webb *** 5 shows a week

  10. Nate Clay ** 1 show a week

  11. The Majority Report (Janeane Garofalo, Sam Seder) ** 5 shows a week

  12. Air America Mornings (Mark Riley 0500 - 0700 and Rachel Maddow 0700 - 0900) ****

  13. Politically Direct (David Bender) **** 1 show a week

  14. Ecotalk (Betsy Rosenberg) **** 1 show a week

  15. John Rothmann *** 2 shows a week

  16. Ed Schultz 5 shows a week

Unrated this week:

See you next week.

Saturday, February 04, 2006

The White Rose Society:

There is one great site which does yoeman's service linking to many Liberal Talk Shows

We have to do justice by providing his banner on this blog:

Please visit The White Rose Society
to listen to Liberal Talk Radio.

This week's Liberal talk Show Ratings will appear later today. Compilation is in progress.