Monday, March 27, 2006

Peter Werbe holds 1st and 2nd spot this week

Peter Werbe was hosting the Mike Malloy Show all last week. Although his style is completely different from Mike's, he managed to keep the Mike Malloy show at the top of the talk show ratings, while his own show, held its 2nd spot.

It is difficult to know whether John Rothmann is a Liberal or whether he is just posing as one. His hypothetical questions and the way he treatsd some of his callers seems to point to his roots as a Nixonian, the Republican Government in which he served. I will have to watch this show more closely, as much of what John Rothmann says is far far from the Liberal Agenda and more Zionist.

Ray Taliaferro, Bernie Ward, Robert F. Kennedy Jr. and Mike Papantonio, still have great shows. Stephanie Miller was on holiday and her bubliness was not conveyed by her stand-in. Laura Flanders has a balanced show which keeps her amongst the top shows.

Randi was on TV and then she could not stop talking about her host. This is Randi at her worst as she follows the syndrome that the "last person who is nice to me is right". She kept talking about Lou Dobbs and how her 4 minutes on the show wass the greatest thing that could have happened in the universe. This performance, plus the way she overtalks on her callers, has dropped her ratings to the rock bottom, just ahead of John Rothmann.

Thom Hartmann is getting stale as he keeps repeating and repeating, but his sense of history is great. However, he still uses the micro-vision in many instances to influence his macro-views.

With all due regard, The Young Turks do not seem to have much idea as to how to run a TV programme. I wish they would stop expending such a huge amount of their funds with such boring visual TV! Stick to Radio is probably the best advice I can give them.

Al Franken is off the ratings and Sam Ceder did not help him get on them. Janeane Garofalo was probably the only person who gushed over am's performance on the Al Franken show!

Ratings for the week ended 26th March 2006:

  1. Mike Malloy Show hosted by Peter Werbe ***** 5 shows a week

  2. Nightcall hosted by Peter Werbe ***** 1 show a week

  3. Ray Taliferro ***** 5 shows a week

  4. Ring of Fire (Robert F. Kennedy Jr. and Mike Papantonio) ***** 1 show a week

  5. Bernie Ward ***** 4 shows a week

  6. Laura Flanders **** 2 shows a week

  7. Thom Hartmann **** 5 shows a week

  8. Politically Direct (David Bender) **** 1 show a week

  9. Air America Mornings (Mark Riley 0500 - 0700 and Rachel Maddow 0700 - 0900) ****

  10. Ecotalk (Betsy Rosenberg) **** 1 show a week

  11. Nate Clay ** 1 show a week

  12. The Young Turks (Cenk Uygur, Ben Mankiewicz and Jill Pike) ** 5 shows a week

  13. Ed Schultz** 5 shows a week

  14. The Stephanie Miller Show 5 shows a week - **

  15. The Majority Report (Janeane Garofalo, Sam Seder) ** 5 shows a week

  16. The Randi Rhodes Show hosted Randi Rhodes ** 5 shows a week

  17. John Rothmann * 2 shows a week

Unrated this week:

Look forward to great week of Liberal Talk Radio, thanks to such hosts as Mike and Peter.

Monday, March 20, 2006

What makes Mike Malloy the absolute No. 1

Anyone who heard Milke malloy do his Talk Show on Wednesday, where he dramatised the killing of awomen and children by the US forces, knows why he is unbeatable as a a talk show Host.

Then on Thursday he had a caller, a 14 year old girl whose father has vanished, mother is in prison for a drug offence and is being looked after by her 20 year old brother. The brother is now called up to proceed to Iraq.

If you have had heard Talk Show Hosts, you really haven't tll you have heard Mike handle a nervous, tragically affected girl. He talked her through almost three segmernts, bringing his international audience to tears at this diabolical situation.

Peter Werbe handled Miks's show on Monday and Laura Flanders on Tuesday, and both kept up the good work of keeping Mike at the top of the ratings.

Glad to note that Stephanie Miller is finally back on live on the internet.

Ratings for the week ended 19th March 2006:

  1. Mike Malloy Show hosted by Mike Malloy, Peter Werbe and Laura Flanders***** 5 shows a week

  2. Nightcall hosted by Peter Werbe ***** 1 show a week

  3. Ray Taliferro ***** 5 shows a week

  4. Ring of Fire (Robert F. Kennedy Jr. and Mike Papantonio) ***** 1 show a week

  5. Bernie Ward ***** 4 shows a week

  6. Laura Flanders **** 2 shows a week

  7. The Randi Rhodes Show hosted Randi Rhodes ***** 5 shows a week

  8. Thom Hartmann **** 5 shows a week

  9. Politically Direct (David Bender) **** 1 show a week

  10. Air America Mornings (Mark Riley 0500 - 0700 and Rachel Maddow 0700 - 0900) ***

  11. Ecotalk (Betsy Rosenberg) **** 1 show a week

  12. Nate Clay ** 1 show a week

  13. The Young Turks (Cenk Uygur, Ben Mankiewicz and Jill Pike) ** 5 shows a week

  14. Ed Schultz** 5 shows a week

  15. The Stephanie Miller Show 5 shows a week - **

  16. The Majority Report (Janeane Garofalo, Sam Seder) ** 5 shows a week

  17. John Rothmann ** 2 shows a week

Unrated this week:

Peter is hosting Mike's programmes all through next week.

Sunday, March 12, 2006

Double positions in Ratings

With several people standing in for the same Talk Show Host, I have been forced to do double ratings for the same show. For instance, Mike Malloy on the Randi Rhodes Show pushed up that Shows Ratings, while the screaming and obsolete repetitive nature of Sam Seder, put down the show into the toilet.

Mike and Peter remain at the top of the ratings. Randi's Show hosted by Mike moved into 3rd place, while Randi's Show hosted by Sam went to the bottom of the table.

Sam wants to be in the good books of Randi, so he keeps repeating again and again that Randi is the Goddess of Talk Radio! He may think so, but not many out here do!

On his own show, Majority Report, he has kept claiming that the Right Wing talk Show Hosts keep throwing Softball Questions to their guests. When he had an opportunity to intertiew Congressman Sherrod Brown of Ohio, all I hear were softball questions from Sam - he never even asked Congressman Brown about the Paul Hackett affair!

Look at the difference between him and Mike Malloy, who explained to the audience BEFORE the interview that his interview with someone on Randi's programme was within the limits laid down by Randi's Show and not his!

Ratings for the week ended 12th March 2006:

  1. Mike Malloy Show hosted by Mike Malloy and Peter Werbe ***** 5 shows a week

  2. Nightcall hosted by Peter Werbe ***** 1 show a week

  3. The Randi Rhodes Show hosted by Mike Malloy ***** 5 shows a week

  4. Bernie Ward ***** 4 shows a week

  5. Thom Hartmann *** 5 shows a week

  6. Air America Mornings (Mark Riley 0500 - 0700 and Rachel Maddow 0700 - 0900) ***

  7. Ring of Fire (Robert F. Kennedy Jr. and Mike Papantonio) ***** 1 show a week

  8. Laura Flanders **** 2 shows a week

  9. Ray Taliferro **** 5 shows a week

  10. Politically Direct (David Bender) **** 1 show a week

  11. Ecotalk (Betsy Rosenberg) **** 1 show a week

  12. The Majority Report (Janeane Garofalo, Sam Seder) hosted by Thom Hartmann *** 5 shows a week

  13. Nate Clay ** 1 show a week

  14. John Rothmann ** 2 shows a week

  15. The Young Turks (Cenk Uygur, Ben Mankiewicz and Jill Pike) ** 5 shows a week

  16. Ed Schultz** 5 shows a week

  17. The Majority Report (Janeane Garofalo, Sam Seder) ** 5 shows a week

  18. The Randi Rhodes Show hosted by Sam Seder * 5 shows a week

Unrated this week:

This coming week will again see Mike hosing Randi's show a couple of times while Peter will host Mike's show on Monday and Tuesday

Sunday, March 05, 2006

Bush's India Visit draws attention

The best quip was from Mike Malloy as he highlighted that Bush said he would enjoy eating Indian mangoes in return for opening up Nuclear Technology sales to that country!

Ratings for the week ended 5th March 2006:

  1. Mike Malloy Show hosted by Mike Malloy and Laura Flanders ***** 5 shows a week

  2. Nightcall hosted by Peter Werbe ***** 1 show a week

  3. The Randi Rhodes Show hosted by Randi Rhodes and Mike Malloy **** 5 shows a week

  4. Bernie Ward ***** 4 shows a week

  5. Thom Hartmann *** 5 shows a week

  6. Air America Mornings (Mark Riley 0500 - 0700 and Rachel Maddow 0700 - 0900) ***

  7. Ring of Fire (Robert F. Kennedy Jr. and Mike Papantonio) ***** 1 show a week

  8. Laura Flanders **** 2 shows a week

  9. Ray Taliferro **** 5 shows a week

  10. Politically Direct (David Bender) **** 1 show a week

  11. Ecotalk (Betsy Rosenberg) **** 1 show a week

  12. The Majority Report (Janeane Garofalo, Sam Seder) ** 5 shows a week

  13. Nate Clay ** 1 show a week

  14. John Rothmann ** 2 shows a week

  15. The Young Turks (Cenk Uygur, Ben Mankiewicz and Jill Pike) ** 5 shows a week

  16. Ed Schultz** 5 shows a week

Unrated this week:

Have a great week.

Thursday, March 02, 2006

Mainline: Geostrategy Feeds America's Oil Addiction

Cross-posted on all my main blogs -

Jacob's Blog
Jacob's Politics;
Seventh Heaven for Mumbai cathedralites;
Kooler Talk for Delhi Stephanians;
Oulu Chaff
Move The UN.

My topical article "Geostrategy Feeds America's Oil Addiction", which relates to the visit of Bush to India, has appeared in a major North American online journal Raise the Hammer in their fortnightly issue dated 1st March 2006.

Editor Ryan McGreal has really tidied up the article. Thanks.

What is original in this submission?

It is my long term speculations about:
1. The rationale for the attack on and occupation of Afghanistan relating to the Enron history.
2. Who most likely perpetrated the fraud of the Iranian election.
3. Why the Indian Industrial Community desperately want Bush and his malAdministration to stay in office for another 3 years!
4. Why the nuclear attack on Iran is imminent.

Many may wrinkle their foreheads in disbelief. But that is what political analysis is all about. I theorise and later people fit the facts to my theories.

Hope you enjoy it and would love to have your feedback - even if it is abusive!!

I love getting abusive email. I thrive on it as it drives me on harder to more fantasy! :-)