Randi Rhodes quits AirAmerica
I was waiting for this move by the AirAmerica management as Randi's shows had become quite boring as she was over-stressed. In most shows, she would find one point and harp on it for several shows thereafter. I often wondered if anyone was listening to her. Her humour had vanished and there was no motivation in her programmes.
However, she had a devoted following and even her abusive manner to her callers and many of her guests, as she tended to overtalk them and continue to express her opinion and not allow the caller to get a word in edgeways, certainly made one mad. After all, the programme was hers and she could always give her opinion AFTER the caller had expressed his/her views.
I was quite surprised to hear from Greg Palast that it was he who had suggested Randi to the founders of AirAmerica. I remember that Randi had felt humiliated when he had called her to an event he was hosting in New York where he had not given her any prominence unlike other AirAmerica hosts. He had treated her like a stagehand!
Mike Malloy had, in a 45 minute rant in one of his programmes, paid tribute to his friend Randi and torn the present management of AirAmerica to bits. He revealed that, even as of today, they owed him $ 112000! Mike gave a very historical context of Talk Radio and AirAmerica. He had no hesitation in calling AirAmerica a tool of the right wing.
Mike was fired by AirAmerica by the Jewish cabal behind AirAmerica as they consider him anti-Semitic. He said the suspension of Randi was quite unforgivable. He gave news that Lionel was being axed (not that he was any favourite of mine) and that Thom Hartmann had lost prime time in New York to Ed Schulz, neither of whom are favourites of mine.
Randi was removed from my ratings in September 2007 and during the last 7 months I saw no reason to put her back in them.
Randi Rhodes is a survivor and when she lands on her feet you will find her ranting and raving on her plight.
The ratings remain about the same as Mike Malloy is undisputably the Number 1 Talk Show Host, with Peter Werbe a close second. The rest may scramble for minor places and with the right wing cabal having got rid of KIRO (Seattle, Washington) host Mike Webb (supposedly murdered) and Bernie Ward taken off the air (KGO, San Francisco, California)) on trumped up pedophile related issues, there is some shuffling. Rachel Maddow has continued to improve her style and is knocking around for top spot places. Sam Seder has managed to control a lot of his stuttering and stammering and should be able to get in the top ten if he can organise his programmes better. Ray Taliferro is still hilarious. Stephanie Miller could come back in the ratings as she has become a bit more serious, but she is not a Talk Show Host to be taken seriously.
I will post a half yearly analysis sometime in June 2008, so stay tuned for the next major ratings analysis.
Labels: Air America, Bernie Ward, Ed Schulz, fired, Mike Malloy, Mike Webb, Peter Werbe, Randi Rhodes, Ray Taliferro, Sam Seder, Thom Hartmann