Monday, April 23, 2007

I reply to John Loftus

On reciept of the copy of John Lotus email to Shelby Drobny, I immediately replied Mr. Loftus.

Dear Mr. Loftus,

Firstly, I am quite sure Mr. Shelby Drobny did not make a decision to terminate your show based on one letter from one individual from Finland.

Secondly, I do not do anything or say anything behind the back of any body. I had the courage to send you a copy of my communication.

Thirdly, your perceptions about yourself are based on your personal opinion about yourself and your show, while mine are based on listening to your show as a listener.

I do not need to know your beliefs or any other data about you. I made my judgements based on the contents of your radio show that I heard.

Two quite different perspectives.

If I have in any way libelled you, my apologies.

If not, then you owe me an apology.

The truth hurts, but as you sow you shall reap.

It is wonderful that some people have the courage to call you on your opinions.

I think the content of your shows are in the public domain and available from Nova M Radio.

I think that I am quite capable of sorting this out in a Finnish Court of Law.

If you wish to do the same, kindly let me know and I shall send you the details of my attorney.

Yours faithfully,

Jacob Matthan
Oulu, Finland


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